Katya Vangelova, Manager at Skytrak, said:
"We work mostly with family farms that have shown us to have the greatest potential for development and growth. As a responsible company, we want to support those who have decided to do business in the field of vegetable growing, horticulture, livestock farming or multicultural farming. The time we start the program is not accidental and we have been preparing for it for more than half a year.
We have begun our initiative with the upcoming measure "6.1 Young farmer" who, according to the updated indicative timetable, should start in August 2017. At this point, we want to support the people who will bring the development of agriculture in the direction we want to we see it all - small and medium-sized family farms. In turn, they will help rural areas to revive them. In short - with our "Young Farmer" Program we want to support the Future! And it is definitely in family farming and bioproduction, which often go hand in hand. "
We have developed a special program in Skytrak that will be able to buy both new and used equipment from start-up farms and those that are under development.
Farmers may plan to apply for a grant under Measure 6.1 - A young farmer, but this is not a prerequisite for inclusion in a specially developed program with the same name. The company will offer bundled offers for equipping a start-up farm or one in progress with discounts and preferential lease terms.

"It is very important at a start to be well-equipped with the right machines, which in most cases can be quite generous for the different types of farms - vegetables, fruits, herbs, grapes, etc. as important and according to the specifics of the region - climatic peculiarities, soil type, etc. Our consultants will help farmers in choosing the right machines for the particular farm.